
Hodar Report

Space physics


1944: Force the world to back all currencies
with gold-backed dollar

1944-64: Spend too many dollars, go into debt,
and print a few dollars on the side.

1965: Oops! World calls dollar bluff,
demands payments in gold

1965-1971: Keep on borrowing, borrowing, borrowing!

1971: Default on the gold promise.

1971-1991: Fight the Cold War AND grow social spending.
We can have it all!

1991-2001: Wow, we briefly balanced the budget
during the "End of History."

2001-2008: History returns. Fight the GWoT
AND keep growing social spending!

2008-2020: Dang, now the debt's too big to pay off.
Hey, let's make more currency!

2021-2023: Uh-oh. Prices are going up FAST.
Maybe raising interest rates will help?

2024: Prices are still rising! How do we stop it?
Let's outlaw rising prices! [[YOU ARE HERE]]

202_: Why have the farmers stopped farming?

202_: We gotta nationalize food production!
What could possibly go wrong?


Smithsonian Air & Space

FoxNews, CNN, BBC

History Channel

Discover Magazine

Wall Street Journal (.pdf)